Sign up to join one of our many adult leagues.
Whether you’re looking to stay active, have fun, meet new friends, or hang a championship banner, The Bridge offers something for everyone! Our recreational leagues are setup with the athlete and socialite in mind.
SPRING 3/23/25 - 5/24/25: Registration Opens 2/10/25
Men's Basketball (A/B, 35+)
Men's Soccer 8v8 (Full Field)
SUMMER 6/8/25 - 8/14/25: Registration Opens 4/28/25
Men's Basketball (A/B, 35+)
Men's Soccer 6v6 (Small Sided)
Women's Basketball
Coed Kickball (6/3)
Coed Softball (7/3)
Men's Softball
FALL 8/26/25 - 11/3/25: Registration Opens 7/21/25
Men's Basketball (A/B )
Men's Soccer 6v6 (Small Sided)
Coed Softball (7/3)
WINTER 1/4/26 - 3/6/26: Registration Opens 11/17/25
Men's Basketball (A/B )
Men's Soccer 8v8 (Full Field)
Coed Volleyball (A/BB - B/C)
*Champions receive a championship banner, t-shirts and gift cards to The Social Tap*