October 2022 Newsletter


Are You Over-exercising?

October 2022 Blog

Is there such a thing as exercising too much? Exercise is a good thing, but there is a point at which exercising may cause more harm than good. Watch out for these signs of excessive exercise.  

Diminished progress/plateau

Most people set goals when they exercise, whether it be preparing for an event, losing weight, staying in shape, or anything in between. When progress towards the goal begins to plateau, it may be because you are working your body too hard to achieve results. Bodies require rest in order to recover and prepare for further training.

Decreased motivation

Exercise regimens have a mental component that is often overlooked. Excessive exercise can lead to mental exhaustion and lack of motivation as exercise becomes a chore rather than an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. If you are suddenly dreading exercise that you previously enjoyed, you may be experiencing burnout from overexercising.

Fatigue & Injury

Appropriate amounts of exercise can increase energy levels, but excessive exercise can cause fatigue. Whereas tiredness can be alleviated by a short break or rest, fatigue is chronic exhaustion. Bodies repair while sleeping, so it is important to get enough sleep each night to feel rested. In the absence of proper rest, the body becomes at-risk for fatigue.

Overtraining can cause injury. When the body doesn’t have adequate time to rest and repair, it becomes prone for overuse injuries, such as runner’s knee or tendinitis. Avoid doing too much too quickly and make sure to cross-train to decrease your risk of overuse injuries.


How can you avoid burning out? Listen to your body and respect its needs. Rest days are beneficial mentally and physically. Finding a balance will help you achieve long-term wellness goals.


Need guidance reaching your fitness goals? Learn about our personal training at The Bridge here.